Market Brief: Broadcom Acquires ConnectALL to Help Enterprise DevOps Leaders Deliver Software Value

Market Brief: Broadcom Acquires ConnectALL to Help Enterprise DevOps Leaders Deliver Software Value

On June 6, 2023, Broadcom (NASDAQ: $AVGO) – a global technology business that designs, develops, and supplies a broad range of semiconductor and infrastructure software solutions – acquired ConnectALL LLC – a private company founded in 2018 focused on Value Stream Management (VSM) for enterprise DevOps. The ConnectALL platform will be divided into two products as part of Broadcom Agile Operations division’s ValueOps™ portfolio: ValueOps ConnectALL focused on toolchain integration and automation; and ValueOps Insights for value stream management analytics.
Krish, Andi, and JP talk Platform Engineering

Video Panel: Is Platform Engineering Real?

[wlm_stripe_btn sku=1690397810 button_label="Free with Registration" pay_button_label="" coupon="1"] I recently had an amazing opportunity to talk with two top IT experts about Platform Engineering - and now you can learn from them too! In this video, I talk with the amazing Krish Subramanian, currently working on Cloud Strategy in the Global CTO Office and also Head of Products for Platform Services at IBM Consulting; and the awesome JP Morgenthal, currently Senior Vice President of Digital Innovation at AlixPartners. Between them they have decades of expertise in enterprise-grade Cloud, AppDev, DevOps, ITOps, SRE and more - what better people to ask whether Platform Engineering is real!!